Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lulu's First Day of School

What a busy day for Lulu on her first day in Room 1!

We had our preschool visitors, it was whacky hair day and we hunted for Easter eggs! 
Lulu liked making her Easter egg and chick best of all.
You are so clever at drawing and cutting out Lulu! Well done! 

Lulu also enjoyed reading books, writing a story and making patterns with the maths equipment.

Clever girl Lulu, we love having you in Room 1

1 comment:

Dot Thompson said...

thanks mrs Ryan for taking care and teaching Grandaughter Luu
When I started school we had to sit at desks and read Janet and John
the only math equepment all we had was a foot ruler and a three foot that we felt on our fingers if we talked
Dot and Vince Thompson