Monday, July 24, 2017

100 Days of School

On Tuesday Room1 celebrated 100 days of school!

We are 100 days smarter!

We celebrated by having a maths day exploring the number 100.
Tilly was superstar and completed our bundle of 10 sets of 10 iceblock sticks to make 100. We have been adding a stick every day!

Benji brought 100 pieces of carrot to share!

First everyone sorted a collection of 100 tiny objects onto a 100 board.

100 pieces of pasta!

Troy practising counting in 10's

We estimated how many cookies we would get each if we shared out 100. We estimated first - suggestions were counting in 2's and handing around the biscuits and taking one each at a time.
Most people got 5 but some got 4 as we had 21 children present.
We decorated the cookies and lined them up across the classroom before we ate them!

We had a fantastic 100th day of school!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Room1 have been reading stories and legends relating to Matariki, the cluster of seven stars which signal the start of Maori New Year.

Room 1's favourite legend calls the stars the seven sisters
Matariki is the Māori name for the small cluster of stars in the Taurus constellation that rise during the New Zealand winter. The Māori New Year signals a time for connecting with, and giving thanks to, the land, sea and sky. In late May and June a group of seven stars appear in the winter night sky. These stars are called the seven sisters. Matariki is the name for the biggest star. She is the eldest sister and guides her younger sisters to their places in the sky. 
We watched and read the book The seven stars of Matariki. Then we drew and wrote about the story.

We hope you enjoy our Matariki stories

We learnt how Matariki is a time to make plans for the future, forget problems of the past and enjoy being with family.