Saturday, February 22, 2014

Personal Shields

Each of the students in Room 4 have been thinking carefully about themselves, the things they value and love to do most of all and what they would like to be when they grow up.
They have recorded and illustrated each of these on a personal shield. The  shields  are on display in the classroom so please pop in and share your child's with them!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Certificates Week 4

Congratulations to our CARE certificate winners this week!
Several times a term the Year 1 & 2  classes have their own assembly in the school library, with each class taking a turn to be the presenters. Only parents of the class presenting are invited to attend, and our turn will be in week 6 this term.  C.A.R.E.  certificates are awarded to students from each room.
Congratulations to certificate winners from Room4.
C: Citizenship - being a positive member of our class
A: Achievement - producing quality work
R: Responsibility - listening carefully to the teacher's instructions
E: Effort - trying your best

I also award certificates for the most organised table group each week.
Well done to Blue table this week!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Jump Jam Stars!

On Wednesday it was Room 4's turn to dance on the stage for Jump Jam!
Congratulations everyone! You are awesome dancers!

Litter Duty

Each week one class checks the playground after morning tea for lunch box litter dropped on the ground. This week it was our turn and what a lot of litter we found! We took a photo to remind children to put their rubbish in the bin!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Room 4 Class Contract

Our HOWIE value for the first 5 weeks of Term 1 is KINDNESS.
We used this value to write our Class Contract.
When we agreed on how we wanted our class to 


 we all signed it!
Room 4 will be a happy place to be where we will work hard and look after each other.

What a great week in Room 4!

Library, swimming, ipads, birthdays, treats, listening post, certificates and lots more!

Happy Valentines day!

We all made Valentine day cards for someone special today!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Student Portraits

 We have had a great first week back at school and have just completed our pastel and dye portraits.
Room 4 love them and hope you do too!