Sunday, May 25, 2014

Friday Rocket blast off

Well done everyone!
Friday's water  rocket blast off was magnificent!
Every class launched a rocket that flew and it was great to hear you all encouraging and cheering each other!  Congratulations Room 15 for taking out the title of supreme champions!
A special thank you to Roger the Rocket Man (our wonderful school caretaker) for your focussed judging.
Just as well Mr Bird brought you both hard hats!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Science Week for the teachers!

The teachers came to Room 1 to make water rockets together!
Teachers are always learning too! They had to work in  groups and share the materials just like the students!

Pre School Visitors

We have some visitors to Room 1 now!
Some children will be starting school soon! Very exciting!
East Harbour Kindergarten  visited us on Tuesday.
They loved playing together on the junior playground and experimented with the magnetic sand as it was science week.

What a fabulous straight line behind the "superstar"!
I can't wait for you all to start school!