Thursday, March 29, 2018

Table group of the week

Well done Red table!
You were well organised and worked together at your table to share and help each other this week.

Easter Bunny

On Thursday Easter bunny visited the junior classrooms and we all enjoyed an Easter egg hunt!
Everyone found their decorated cardboard eggs and Easter bunny swapped them for chocolate ones! YUM!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Archie, Gabriel, Hugo and Lara invited me to their last game of cricket for the season. Thank you, I really enjoyed watching you play.
Super skills and well done to you all!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Week 8 Certificates

Well done everyone!

Beach visit

The entrance to the harbour and Barrett Reef way in the distance
The Interislander ferry
Wellington City across the harbour
We saw Somes Island
We visited the beach with our buddies to learn about where different places are in Wellington Harbour. Our visit will help us learn about the Wahine.

Wahine 50

Here are Ben and his mum Abby showing us an old newspaper from the day after the Wahine sank.
We have been learning about the Wahine so we had lots of questions to ask and comments to make.
Thank you Ben and Abby for helping us with our learning!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Week 7 Assembly

Congratulations to our principal's certificate winners at assembly this week. Awesome work boys!

Observational Drawing

Room 1 have been observing our monarch caterpillars carefully as they grow bigger and bigger!
We worked hard on our drawings!



Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Kitchen Chemistry Science!

Citizen scientist Stan Swan helped us with our kitchen chemistry by preparing an experiment to show how red cabbage can be used as an indicator of acid or alkali. 
We mixed the purple cooked cabbage juice with white vinegar (acid) and the colour turned pink.
We then mixed in baking soda (alkali) and it turned a greeny colour!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Here we are with our fabulous Room16 Buddies!
This term we meet every Monday at 2pm and share stories, games and physical education activities together as well as catching up with each other in the playground during the rest of the week.
We love buddy time!