Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Term New Learning!

During the holidays I challenged myself to try something new!
These elephants work on a jungle plantation in Thailand and each one has a master who is very kind and sings or whistles special songs to it as it works.
To ride my elephant I had to listen carefully to all the instructions and learn to hold on with my knees just behind its ears! 

At school we talk about taking risks and having a try at something we are not sure if we can do.

This monk looks after abandoned and orphaned tiger cubs which grow into HUGE tigers! When he pointed to me to 
come and give it a pat I had to be brave and have a go! 

There will be great new learning happening in Room 1 this term!


Liz said...

Mrs Ryan-you are very brave!I loved your pictures.You are right-sometimes things seem really hard but we have to give it a go-and what a great feeling when we succeed!See you soon Room One.Miss Sullivan.

Junko said...

Big cats! They all look cuddly and nice, but they still got wild instinct, I am sure. How brave you are.
I heard Elephants have very thick skin. How was it when you touch them?

What a great holiday. Thank you for sharing it with us.