Monday, July 24, 2017

100 Days of School

On Tuesday Room1 celebrated 100 days of school!

We are 100 days smarter!

We celebrated by having a maths day exploring the number 100.
Tilly was superstar and completed our bundle of 10 sets of 10 iceblock sticks to make 100. We have been adding a stick every day!

Benji brought 100 pieces of carrot to share!

First everyone sorted a collection of 100 tiny objects onto a 100 board.

100 pieces of pasta!

Troy practising counting in 10's

We estimated how many cookies we would get each if we shared out 100. We estimated first - suggestions were counting in 2's and handing around the biscuits and taking one each at a time.
Most people got 5 but some got 4 as we had 21 children present.
We decorated the cookies and lined them up across the classroom before we ate them!

We had a fantastic 100th day of school!

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