Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pataka Visit

As part of our current inquiry "Here's our History" we visited Pataka Museum in Porirua.
Heritage Hands On teacher Linda helped us dress like children did 100 years ago! We wrote on slates and used ink pens, did the washing with a washboard and a mangle, played marbles and then and now matching games. We learned that many daily activities 100 years ago involved time consuming hard work and inventions have made life easier for us. We will ask our grandparents about daily life when they were children when they visit us on Grandparent's Day in April.
We ate our lunch at Aotea Lagoon and had a play on the new adventure playground there before returning to school on the bus. Thank you to all the parent helpers who helped make the day a wonderful experience!

1 comment:

LisaC said...

What great photos, you certainly saw and used a lot of equipment. Good to see you using the washboard Sarah! I especially like the photos of you dressed up and NOT smiling for the camera, people didn't seem to smile for photos in the olden days did they.