Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our Visit to The Nutcracker Ballet

On Thursday we went by bus into Wellington to see the ballet company perform The Nutcracker ballet.
Sarah's mum Lisa came with us. We were not allowed to take photos of the dancers performing so we all watched very carefully so we could draw what we saw back at school. Here are some of Room 1's favourite parts:

I liked the flying bed. Abby, Lachlan, James
I liked the dancers in the tutus. Esme
I liked the doctor's scene. Rory
I liked it when Fritz aimed his slingshot at Clara. Seb
I liked the snow scene. It was made of tissue paper. Alex
I liked it when the flower girls danced. Joe
I liked all of it. Poppy
I liked the crutches dance. Rose, Ruby, Kaya, William
I liked the ballerinas in the white tutus. Harriet
I liked Fritz being funny and flying around with his arms out like a plane. Sarah
I liked it when the bed went up in the air on ropes. Florence
I liked the girl in the blue skirt and the boy dancing. Mila-Rose

1 comment:

LisaC said...

I felt so lucky to be able to come and see the Royal New Zealand Ballet with you RM 1.