Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Raff's First Day

Raff made a great start to school in Room 1 today!
You are such a good listener Raff and you have so many friends at school already!

 Super sharing at circle time.

 Great concentration on those tricky g's!
Clever boy!
 Quiet reading time.
 Morning tea with good friend Tom.
 Ipad alphabet time.
 Cool in the pool!
Lunch time.
 Super pointing to the words.
Visiting the Eastbourne Library.
Thank you for the ice blocks Raff.
We all loved them at the end of our busy day!
We are all so pleased you have joined us in Room1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Room 1 I am very pleased with the fantastic way you have started school this year. You are all working so hard and I am very happy with the work that you have done so far. Keep it up!
Love Mrs Buckley :)